Add Some Extra Joy To Your Holiday Season
The promo is valid from November 27th to December 15th.
Santa is loading up his sleigh, add your name to the nice list to win one of the fantastic prizes for your classroom by completing the registration below,
Thinkwrite TW110 Ultra Ergo Headset
(Classroom set of 10)
Signature sounding, comfortable and durable. Perfect for chromebooks in a classroom.
Rise Vision Unlimited License and 3 media players.
Digital signage solution for K-12 schools looking to improve communication and create a positive school culture. Easy to use software, over 500+ creative templates that are plug and play. You can customize to fit your schools needs in a short amount of time. License for one campus.
Anywhere Cart Charging Station
Perfect solution for providing power to laptops, chromebooks, tablets or smarphones. Charge up to 16 devices simultaneously though one single prong plug.
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